Join Stray Goose International (SGI)


Regular membership in SGI is restricted to those who are/have been assigned to the Pacific-based Combat Talon unit (Stray Goose, Det 1 - 314TCW, 15 ACS, 15th SOS, 90th SOS, or 1st SOS) at some point during their Air Force service.  Individuals who served in a direct supporting role of this unit (e.g., Maintenance, CCT, Aerial Delivery, etc.) are also eligible for membership. Those individuals currently assigned to the 1st SOS receive a free membership while in the 1st -- simply let us know you want to join.

We do offer an Associate membership for those who do not meet the previous membership categories but are supportive of the SGI organization and Combat Talon operations in the Pacific.  Associate memberships are non-voting memberships.

Annual membership fees are $15/year (or $40 for 3 years), payable by 30 Jun, to cover our administrative costs.  Please send your dues to:

Stray Goose International

P.O. Box 881

Shalimar, FL 32579

 (Note: * indicates a required entry)

PLEASE NOTE:  This form is not transmitting correctly.  Please send an email to us by clicking the "Email SGI" link above or and include the information shown below. We'll get back to you. 

Thanks for your tolerance of my ineptness (your Webmaster).


*Which type of membership are you applying for:

Currently assigned to 1st SOS

If you are currently in the 1st SOS, please enter your DEROS:

Please provide the following information:

*Last Name:
Suffix (if applicable):
*First Name:
Middle Initial:
Nickname (if any):
*Street Address:
Address (cont.):
*Zip/Postal Code:
Country (if other than US):
Additional Address(es) (if any):
Primary Phone:
Additional Phone(s) (if any):
*Primary E-mail:
Additional E-mail(s) (if any):
*1st Year  in Pacific Talons:

*Please describe your association with Combat Talons in the Pacific (years assigned, work section/crew number, duty position(s), unit designation, etc.) or your reasons for seeking an associate membership:


 Do not submit; it doesn't work right now.  Email the information above to